CC8 Phase 4 Strength & Fatigue Database Search
Refer to the table below for links to the following database searches for the CC8 Phase 4 Strength & Fatigue Test:
Load Type
The Load Type table includes information about the configured wheel loads.
The Load table includes the tire loading applied by the modules by the NAPTV onto the test section in pounds.
Vehicle Wheel Load Table
The Vehicle Wheel Load Table includes the wheel load data for all event IDs of inner and outer lanes trafficking.
Slab Group
The Slab Group table includes engineering data about the CC8 Phase 4 Strength & Fatigue pavement test sections (layer materials and thicknesses).
The Traffic table includes all the information gathered during trafficking about the trafficking.
The Sensor table includes information about the sensors, including sensor type and location.
Static Data
The Static Data table includes the static sensor data for a specific date.
Dynamic Data
Dynamic sensors are triggered by movements of the load vehicle. Therefore, dynamic sensor responses are collected only on days when the load vehicle is in operation. Dynamic sensor records are available for most passes of the load vehicle on the test items. However, some gaps in the data are known to exist. Click on the Dynamic Sensor Data link below to search the database for a particular dynamic sensor.
The HWD table includes the HWD deflection data collected throughout the course of trafficking.
Stationary Test Table
This table contains information on the stationary load test events. An event is defined as a stationary test with a given gear type at a designated location as defined by the station and offset.
Stationary Load Table
This table provides information about the various load levels applied in each stationary test event.
Stationary Sensor Data Table
This table summarizes the peak sensor responses during each load level of each stationary load test event. During each event, strain gage responses were recorded at a rate of 20 Hz.
Stationary Response History Table
This table contains the full response spectrum of each strain gauge during each load level of each stationary load test event.
Custom Query
Advanced users may query the NAPTF database by Structured Query Language (SQL). Note that data are read-only. Only “select” queries will be recognized by the database. Refer to the table map when formulating queries. Additional details about the fields in each database table may be found by clicking on the appropriate link below.
Database Queries
Select from one of the following links to search the CC8 Phase 4 Strength & Fatigue Database:
Table Map
The database is organized into 9 tables as shown in the figure below. Key fields in each table are unique identifiers and are indicated by a key symbol. Lines represent links between tables. To view sample queries select the Sample Queries link.

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