Construction Cycle 1 (CC1)
Construction Cycle 1 (CC1) was the first test pavement constructed in the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF). Construction of CC1 was performed at the same time as the construction of the NAPTF.
The CC1 experiment was performed on both rigid and flexible pavements. CC1 included nine pavement test items; six flexible and three rigid, constructed on three test section between stations (STA) 0+00 and 9+00. Each test section had different subgrade strengths characterized as low (target CBR 4); medium (target CBR 8) and high (target CBR 20). Construction of the test items was completed in May 1999, shortly after the opening of the facility in April 1999.
The primary objectives of CC1 are:
- Provide full scale test data to support new computer-based thickness design procedures then under development by the FAA.
- Provide full-scale pavement response and data for use in airplane landing gear design and configuration studies.
- Provide full-scale test data for re-evaluation of load repetition (alpha) factors used in the CBR method of design for flexible pavements.
Due to the contemporaneous introduction into service of the Boeing B-777 airplane, particular emphasis was placed on determining the level of pavement damage expected from the B-777 airplane (6-wheel landing gear) relative to the B-747 airplane (4-wheel landing gear).
An overview of the CC1 Project can be seen below. For a pdf version of the CC1 Historic Drawings click here.

CC1 Plan View (Click to Zoom)

CC1 Profile View (Click to Zoom)
For more information on the Construction Cycle 1 Experiment click on the links in the table below.
To search the CC1 database, click here.
To download the CC1 Comprehensive Report, click here.
Traffic Testing
Results & Analysis