Mix Designs
Concrete Mix Data
Asphalt Mix Data
P-501 PCC Surface Mix
Airport pavement design of PCC surface mixes is outlined within the Advisory Circular AC 150/5370-10E Part VI. The mix used for this project was targeted around 750 psi flexural strength. The mix consisted of a #57 coarse aggregate, #8 intermediate coarse aggregate, concrete sand, Type 1 Portland cement, and air entrainment. Aggregates within the mix conformed to ASTM C33 specifications.
P-401 HMA Surface Course
Airport pavement design of HMA surface courses is outlined within the Advisory Circular AC 150/5370-10E Part V. The mix consisted of a #7 stone, #8 stone, #9 stone, #10 screenings, and bag house dust. Also, the asphalt binder was a PG 64-22. The Job Mix Formula (JMF) falls within the specification of a mix utilizing a ¾" max aggregate size. The HMA design was developed using the Marshall Method.
P-403 HMA Base Course
Airport pavement design of HMA base courses is outlined within the Advisory Circular AC 150/5370-10E Part V.
The mix consisted of a #67 stone, #8 stone, #10 screenings, and bag house dust.
Also, the asphalt binder was a PG 64-22.
The Job Mix Formula (JMF) falls within the specification of a mix utilizing a 1" max aggregate size.
The HMA design was developed using the Marshall Method.