Federal Aviation Administration Airport Pavement Instrumentation Project General Information
The pavement structure consists of 17" of PCC concrete, on top of 8" of econocrete base, over 12" of lime-stabilized subgrade, resting on the natural subgrade. Laboratory Tests and Field Tests were conducted on the materials used.

Sensors were placed in the subgrade and positioned for the concrete layer before paving.

Several type of joints are use for runway 34R/16L. These are depicted on the following picture.

The data collection process will be continued during the coming years in order to study in-situ and long-term pavement performance. You may wish to visit our database on regular basis to obtain up-to-date field data when it becomes available.
Field Test:

Plate Loading tests were conducted in the field on top of the subgrade and on top of the econocrete base
Contact the Project Lead: Dr. David Brill, Airport R&D
Last Update: 05/18/09