Airport Safety Papers & Publications

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Overview of the Taxiway Centerline Deviation Study at Airplane Design Group III Airports

DOT/FAA/TC-15/18 Authors: Michael L. DiPilato and Lauren Vitagliano

Experimental Flow Characterization and Computational Model Development of Aqueous Film Forming Foam Firefighting Jets

DOT/FAA/TC-15/21 Authors: Christopher P. Menchini, Gary J. Morris, and Wade W. Huebsch

Comparative Evaluation of Rescue Saw Blades for Forcible Entry Into Advanced Composite Material Aircraft

DOT/FAA/TC-15/26 Authors: Jonathan Torres and William Doig

Evaluation of Aviation Rumble Strips

DOT/FAA/TC-15/2 Authors: Darcy M. Bullock, Sarah M. L. Hubbard, Colin Furr, Brock Gilllum, Donald W. Gallagher, and Mike DiPilato

Foreign Object Debris Characterization at a Large International Airport

DOT/FAA/TC-TN14/48 Authors: Edwin E. Herricks, David Mayer, and Sidney Majumdar

Penetration Study of Aluminum, Glass Fiber-Reinforced Aluminum Laminate, and Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastic

DOT/FAA/TC-14/33 Authors: Chris Swin, Prof. Tein-Min Tan, Ph.D., and Prof. Jonathan Awerbuch, Ph.D.

Development of a Firefighting Agent Application Test Protocol for Aircraft Fuselage Composites, Phase Iā€”GLARE

DOT/FAA/TC-14/23 Authors: John C. Hode and William Doig

Impact of Alternative Fuels present in Airports on Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Response

DOT/FAA/TC-14/22 Authors: Jonathan Torres

Weight and Balance Behavior of a Freighter Aircraft During Cargo Fire Test Evaluations

DOT/FAA/TC-TN13/51 Author: Jack Kreckie and Jonathan Torres

Avian Radar Maintenance: Magnetron Replacement Requirements

DOT/FAA/TC-TN13/47 Authors: Edwin E. Herricks, Peter Weber, David Mayer, and Ryan E. King
