Airport Safety Papers & Publications

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Evaluation of Supplemental Lights for Caution Bars

DOT/FAA/CT-82/119, DOT/FAA/RD-82/79 Author: Larry W. Hackler

In-Service Testing PAPI Newark International

DOT/FAA/RD-81/95 Author: Bret B. Castle

Type 1106 Flasher Modification for Remote Operation

FAA-CT-81-23 Author: Paul H. Jones

Visual Confirmation of Voice Takeoff Clearance (VICON) Operation Evaluation Volume II

FAA-RD-80-114-II Authors: John J. Maurer, B. Castle, A.K. Novakoff, R. Nelson, S. Roditi, F.P. Zito

Visual Confirmation of Voice Takeoff Clearance (VICON) Operational Evaluation: Volume I

FAA-RD-80-114-I Authors: John J. Maurer, B Castle, E. Dowe, B Hughes, R Nelson

Preliminary Test of Rumble Strips as a Warning Device

NA-80-37-LR Author: Larry W. Hackler

Survey of Heliport IFR Lighting and Marking Systems

NA-80-34-LR Author: Thomas Paprocki

VASI/ILS Glide Slope Signal Incompatibility

NA-80-38-LR Author: Thomas H. Paprocki

Evaluation of Yellow Runway Markings and Orange Taxiway Markings in Clear & Snow Conditions

NA-78-16-LR Author: Thomas H. Paprocki

Advanced Concept in Aircraft Crash Firefighting Using Carbon Tetrafluoride

FAA-NA-79-43 Authors: George B. Geyer, Lawrence M. Neri, Charles H. Urban
