Airport Safety Detail

Friday, December 31, 1982

Evaluation of Wind-Driven Retroreflective Taxiway Edge Markers

DOT/FAA/CT-82/131 DOT/FAA/RD-82/80 Author: Guy S. Brown

An innovative taxiway edge retroreflective marker, designed to rotate when there is sufficient wind, was evaluated to determine whether the markers would provide adequate visual guidance at night while rotating and when stationary, and whether the innovative rotating feature adds to or detracts from the guidance value. The evaluation was not intended to determine whether the device will or will not meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Specifications. The markers consist of a plastic can or cylinder, 6 1/4 inches by 8 inches tall, mounted on plastic Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe. Wind collector vanes on the cylinder are used to rotate the cylinder when winds are above approximately 8 knots. Light is reflected at night from retroreflective bands ,of yellow and blue material and from glass beads imbedded in the painted material. The retroreflective bands of material are staggered vertically producing motion or movement both when rotating horizontally and vertically.

The test results concluded that the wind-driven edge markers adequately define the taxiway and provided adequate visual guidance for taxiing while the markers were stationary and when rotating during daylight hours and at night. There was not discernable advantage to the rotation feature. The rotation of the device did not 'significantly enhance guidance and some pilots felt it was distracting.

Author: Guy S. Brown

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