Airport Pavement Papers & Publications

Report of Strain Gage Verification Tests for the National Airport Pavement Test Facility

Submitted by Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc 5420 Old Orchard Road Skokie, Ill. 60077

Asphalt Concrete Strain Responses at High Loads and Low Speeds At the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF)

Authors: Navneet Garg and Gordon F. Hayhoe

Slow-Rolling Response Tests on the Test Pavements at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF)

Authors: Gordon F. Hayhoe, Robert Cornwell, Navneet Garg

Verification of Curling In PCC Slabs At FAA National Airport Pavement Test Facility

Authors: Edward H. Guo, Wayne Marsey

Analysis of Nondestructive Test Data on Flexible Pavements Acquired at the NAPTF

Authors: Roy D. McQueen, Wayne Marsey and Jose M. Arze

Posttraffic Testing at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility: Test Item MFC


Material Properties Database for the Test Pavements at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF)

Airport Pavement Roughness with Nighttime Construction

Authors: Gordon Hayhoe, Mingyao Dong, Roy D. McQueen Published Proceeding of the Third ICPT Conference, Beijing, China, April 1998, Volume 2

Airport Pavements: Solutions for Tomorrow's Aircraft

1993 FAA Pavement Research Plan booklet

Porous Portland Cement Concrete: the State of the Art

Author: Alfred Monahan US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Structures Laboratory Vicksburg, Miss. 39180