Airport Pavement Papers & Publications

Permanent Deformation Behavior of the Granular Layers Tested at the FAA's National Airport Pavement Test Facility

82nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board Modeling of Granular Bases for Flexible Pavements Session-556 January 14, 2003, Washington DC

Data Management at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF)

Presented at the 2002 Federal Aviation Administration Airport Technology Transfer Conference. Authors: Charles A. Teubert, David R. Brill, Qingge Jia

Development of Material Requirements for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements at the U.S. FAA National Airport Pavement Test Facility

Presented at the 2002 Federal Aviation Administration Airport Technology Transfer Conference. Authors: Roy D. McQueen, P.E., Jeffrey Rapol, Civil Engineer, Robert Flynn, Civil Engineer

Development of a Computer Program to Compute pavement Thickness and Strength

Presented at the 2002 Federal Aviation Administration Airport Technology Transfer Conference. Authors: Izydor Kawa, Gordon F. Hayhoe


Analysis of Falling Weight Deflectometer Tests at Denver International Airport

Presented at the 2002 Federal Aviation Administration Airport Technology Transfer Conference. Authors: May Dong, Gordon F. Hayhoe

Implementation of Rigid Pavement Thickness Design - New Pavement

Presented at the 2002 Federal Aviation Administration Airport Technology Transfer Conference. Authors: Izydor Kawa, Edward H. Guo, Gordon F. Hayhoe, David R. Brill

Comparison Between Falling-Weight Deflectometer and Static Deflection Measurements on Flexible Pavements at the National Airport Pavement Test

Presented at the 2002 Federal Aviation Administration Airport Technology Transfer Conference. Authors: Navneet Garg, Wayne H. Marsey

Analysis of NAPTF Traffic Test Data for the First-Year Rigid Pavement Test Items

Presented at the 2002 Federal Aviation Administration Airport Technology Transfer Conference. Authors: Edward H. Guo, Gordon F. Hayhoe, David R. Brill

Subgrade Strains Measured in Full-Scale Traffic Tests With Four- and Six-Wheel Landing Gears

Presented at the 2002 Federal Aviation Administration Airport Technology Transfer Conference. Author: Gordon F. Hayhoe, Navneet Garg

LEAF – A New Layered Elastic Computational Program for FAA Pavement Design and Evaluation Procedures

Presented at the 2002 Federal Aviation Administration Airport Technology Transfer Conference. Author: Gordon F. Hayhoe