Airport Pavement Papers & Publications

Presentations and Documents for the FAARFIELD Workshop

IQPC conference in Singapore, October 7, 2008

Analysis of Test Slab Failure Data

David R. Brill FAA Airport Technology R&D Branch, AAR-410 William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City, NJ Airport Pavement Working Group Meeting Sheraton Atlantic City Convention Center Hotel February 2, 2005

FAA Airport Technology R&D Pavement Working Group Meeting

Atlantic City, NJ - February 2nd, 2005

Operational Life of Airport Pavements

DOT/FAA/AR-04/46 Office of Aviation Research Washington, D.C. 20591

FAA Presentations

For the 9th Plenary Meeting of U.S.- Japan Science & Technology Experts Meeting

ATT04 Track P Papers

2004 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer Conference

ATT04 Track S Papers

2004 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer Conference

NAPTF Construction Status Update - Jan. 2004

The presentation was prepared by Dr. Gordon Hayhoe

Preliminary Test Plan for Asphalt Overlays on CC2 Rigid Pavements

NAPTF Update 2003

The presentation was prepared by Dr. Gordon Hayhoe