Dr. Wesley Major, Garrison Canter, and Joe Healey from the FAA Airport Technology Research & Development (ATR) branch observed UAS-based wildlife hazing conducted by researchers from the University of North Dakota (UND) on September 16-19, 2024. The UAS operations, which are taking place at a wastewater treatment lagoon adjacent to Grand Forks International Airport (GFK), are part of a two-year research effort to develop concepts of operations and evaluate the efficacy of using UAS for hazing gulls, pelicans, and other bird species to mitigate wildlife strike risks in the airport environment. This study is being funded by ATR via an interagency agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Wildlife Research Center. The ATR team met with Principal Investigator, Dr. Susan Ellis-Felege, and the UND research team to discuss progress and next steps for the research.
ATR Team Observing UAS Wildlife Hazing |
Dr. Wesley Major | Wesley.Major@faa.gov
Garrison Canter | Garrison.J.Canter@faa.gov
Joe Healey | Joseph.F.Healey@faa.gov