Airport Pavement Detail

Thursday, January 30, 1992

Composite Profiles of Helicopter Mishaps at Heliports and Airports

DOT/FAA/RD-91/ 1 Authors: L.D. Dzamba, W. T. Sampson III, R. J. Adams

Composite Profiles of Helicopter Mishaps at Heliports and Airports

In a companion report entitled "Analysis of Helicopter Mishaps at Heliports, Airports, and Unimproved Sites," DOT/FAA/RD-90/8, National Transportation Safety Board and U.S. Army mishap reports were reviewed in order to determine the types 01 mishaps that have occurred at helicopter landing sites. Based upon these mishap records, helicopter composite mishap profiles were developed and are presented here in order to demonstrate the types of mishaps that have occurred at or near heliports and airports. Each composite profile includes a description of the mishap, facility design factors which contributed to the mishap, nondesign-related contributing factors, and operational safety enhancements where appropriate.

This document is intended to be a learning and teaching aid. The intended audience includes helicopter
landing area designers, managers, and operators, as well as pilots. The goal of the report is to broaden
awareness in the helicopter community in order to promote safety.

This report is one in a series of three dealing with helicopter mishaps at landing sites. The other reports are:

    "Analysis of Helicopter Mishaps at Heliports, Airports and Unimproved Sites, " DOT/FAA/RO-90/8, and
    "Analysis of Helicopter Accident Risk Exposure near Heliports, Airports, and Unimproved Sites,"

DOT/FAA/RD-91/ 1
Authors: L.D. Dzamba, W. T. Sampson III, R. J. Adams

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