Airport Pavement Detail

Friday, February 2, 2001

Airport Pavement Marking Evaluation for Reducing Runway Incursion

DOT/FAA/AR-TN01/2 Author:Holly M. Cyrus

Airport Pavement Marking Evaluation for Reducing Runway Incursion

This study was undertaken to evaluate the widening of airport pavement marking in order to enhance their recognition. Results of this evaluation are aimed at reducing the potential of runway incursions and incidents by making airport pavement markings more visible for pilots and vehicular operators. A series of airport pavement marking variations were evaluated at the Atlantic City International Airport (ACY). Subject pilots were given the opportunity to view these variations and to express their opinions. Results from the evaluation showed the pilots preferred the runway holding position marking incorporating the 12-inch stripes. Pilots also preferred the Instrument Landing System/Microwave Landing System (ILS/MLS) holding position marking incorporating 24-inch paint stripes with 48-inch spacing. The pilots preferred the nonmovement area boundary marking incorporating 12-inch stripes.

Author:Holly M. Cyrus

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