Airport Pavement Detail

Prestressed Concrete Pavements; Volume II: Design and Construction Procedures for Civil Airports

Report No. FAA-RD-74-34-II Authors: Eugene C. Odom, Paul F. Carlton US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Soils and Pavements Laboratory

Evaluation of an Experimental High-Intensity Inset Runway Edge Light Fixture

FAA-RD-74-171 Author: E. Leon Reamer

Flight Test of Diamond and Other Proportioned Runway Paint Markings for Glide Slope Guidance

FAA-RD-74-166 (NA-74-34) Authors: Guy S. Brown, Donald Eldredge, Richard L. Sulzer

Test of Glide Slope Guidance With and Without Simplified Abbreviated Visual Approach Slope Indicator

FAA-RD-74-139 Authors: Guy S. Brown, Richard L. Sulzer

Evaluation of an Experimental Elevated High-Intensity Runway Edge Light

FAA-RD-74-128 (NA-74-23) Author: E. Leon Reamer
