Airport Pavement Detail

Overview of Potential Hazards in Electric Aircraft Charging Infrastructure

Authors: Jayaraj Rane, Bharatkumar Solanki, Scott Cary, Prateek Joshi, and Subhankar Ganguly

Abstract: As the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) prepares for the integration of the first generation of advanced electric aircraft, it must also prepare for significant changes to the infrastructure and related risks and hazards. Although some existing hazards related to power system configurations are already being considered, the electrification process will add a large amount of electrical load to the existing system, and infrastructure upgrades to support this change must also be considered. With these changes, it is important that site managers and operators are prepared to mitigate any potential hazards. This report aims to help the FAA identify these potential hazards and relevant standards that can help with training and mitigation planning. The objective of this report is to document and help familiarize FAA and airport authorities with the potential hazards associated with the deployment of electric aircraft and the associated charging infrastructure. The list and examples of these hazards are nonexhaustive, and multiple hazards can occur simultaneously. This report discusses natural, human, and technological causes that can lead to fire (thermal), physical, or chemical hazards. Applicable standards and guidelines associated with electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) infrastructure are available for reference in the appendix. These can help operators in the site selection process for EVSE, mitigation planning, deployment considerations, and training of staff to handle these situations, depending on the geographic location of the facility.

Published by U.S. Department of Energy – Office of Science and Technical Information.

This report can be accessed at:

Federal Aviation Administration Vertiport Electrical Infrastructure Study

Authors: Bharatkumar Solanki, Peyton Sanders, Eric Miller, Priti Paudyal, Bhavesh Rathod, Sherinn Ann Abraham, Michael Young, Andre Fernandes Tomon Avelino, Harsha Vardhana Padullaparti, Scott Cary, Chris Hallock, Kristi Moriarty, Grant Ellwood, Jiyu Wang, Francisco Flores-Espino, Jayaraj Rane, Tony Markel, and Anuj Sanghvi

Abstract: In this detailed analysis, the authors assess the charging infrastructure needed for the deployment of advanced air mobility involving electrified vertical take-off and landing technologies. The report covers four research areas: (1) Identifying charging infrastructure requirements for existing facilities based on flight operational parameters, potential use cases, charging strategy, and other constraints. (2) Assessing sites on power availability to meet charging demand, the impact on grid infrastructure, potential hazards, and cybersecurity needs, and using technoeconomic analysis to identify opportunities for onsite distributed energy resources, primarily solar photovoltaics and battery energy storage systems. (3) Calculating greenhouse gas emission based on total energy consumption attributable to each site. (4) Analyzing the job and economic development impact for sites adopting new infrastructure.

Published by U.S. Department of Energy – Office of Science and Technical Information.

This report can be accessed at:


FAARFIELD 2.1 is the standard software accompanying the following FAA Advisory Circulars: AC 150/5320-6G - Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation, AC 150/5335-5D - Standardized Method of Reporting Pavement Strength - PCR

Evaluation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Aircraft Accident and Incident Scene Documentation

Report number: DOT/FAA/TC-23/79, Authors: Garrison Canter, Jonathan Sheairs, Jack Kreckie, Sheldon Menezes, Ethan Schreuder, and Mitchell Roberts

Southern New Jersey Professional Societies Awards
