Airport Pavement Detail

Three Dimensional Finite Element Modeling of Flexible Pavements

2004 FAA Airport Technology Transfer Conference

Pavement Analysis and Modeling   
P-1  Sukumaran, B. Chamala, N. Willis, M. Davis, J. Jurewicz, S. Kyatham, V.

Detection and Characterization of Cavities Under the Airfield Pavements by Wavelet Analysis of Surface

2004 FAA Airport Technology Transfer Conference

Pavement Analysis and Modeling   
P-21  Gucunski, N. Shokouhi, P.

Preliminary Test Plan for Asphalt Overlays on CC2 Rigid Pavements

Test and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Small Airport Firefighting System (SAFS) in Extinguishing Two- and Three-Dimensional Hydrocarbon Fuel Fires

DOT/FAA/AR-TN03/45 Authors: Charles Risinger, Jennifer Kalberer, and Keith Bagot

Development of Methods for Determining Airport Pavement Marking Effectiveness

DOT/FAA/AR-TN03/22 Author: Holly Cyrus
