Airport Pavement Detail

Assessment of Aircraft's vertical responses to Develop the Roughness Evaluation for Airport Pavement

2004 FAA Airport Technology Transfer Conference

Airport Pavement Maintenance and Management Systems   
P-14  Chen, Y. Chou, C.

Roughness Assessment in Pavement Management at New York Metropolitan Area Airports

2004 FAA Airport Technology Transfer Conference

Airport Pavement Maintenance and Management Systems   
P-15  Calautti, J. Murrell, S. Gerardi, T.

Need for Accurate Traffic Data in Pavement Management John F. Kennedy International Airport Case Study

2004 FAA Airport Technology Transfer Conference

Airport Pavement Maintenance and Management Systems   
P-16  Keegan, K. Handojo, T. Rada, G.R.

An Evaluation of Various Prioritization Methods for Effective Pavement Management A Canadian Airport

2004 FAA Airport Technology Transfer Conference

Airport Pavement Maintenance and Management Systems   
P-18  Tigh, S. Karim, M. Herring, A Chee, K. Moughabghab, M.

An Alternative Method for Predicting the Response of Flexible Pavements to Traffic Loads

2004 FAA Airport Technology Transfer Conference

Pavement Analysis and Modeling   
P-28  Freeman, R.B. Velez-Vega, E.M.
