In the Spotlight

Featured here are articles covering notable activities within the Airport Technology Research & Development Branch. 

Qingge Jia
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University of Sunshine Coast Faculty Visit

Dr. Navneet Garg, Dr. David Brill, and Dr. Dan Offenbacker, from the FAA Airport Technology Research & Development (ATR) branch hosted Dr. Greg White and Sean Jamieson from the University of Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia, on September 3, 2024. They were given tours of the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) and National Airport Pavement and Materials Research Center (NAPMRC). The group discussed current and past research projects at NAPTF and NAPMRC, and sustainability at airport pavements.




Dr. Navneet Garg |
Dr. David Brill |
Dr. Dan Offenbacker |

Previous Article American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) Operations & Technology Symposium

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