CC7 North Pavement Construction/Cross Section

CC7 North consisted of six test items 40 feet long and 33 feet wide with six 10-foot long transition areas between Stations 0+00 and 3+00. The six test items were composed of a clay subgrade material with a design CBR of 5.5, a variable thickness layer of P-154 subbase, and a variable thickness surface layer of P-401 asphalt. Test items LFP1-N to LFP4-N were designated as perpetual test items. The remaining two test items, LFC5-N and LFS6-N, have additional base layers. LFC5-N has an 8 inch P-209 aggregate base layer while LFS6-N has an 8 inch asphalt treated drainable base (ATDB) layer. The test items were designed using FAARFIELD (FAA 2016). The pavement structures are shown in the figure below.



Click here to download the CC7 As-built construction plan.

Click here to download the CC7 As-built instrumentation plan.



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