Post Traffic Testing





Plate Loads


Objective: To compare the material properties of different pavement layers (Subgrade, Base and Subbase) of CC6 prior to trafficking and post-traffic.



  • Plate Load Test: Total of 6 plate load tests will be done (one test in north and south side of each test item). The location of the test will be in the North Wheel Track (NWT) and South Wheel Track (SWT) in each test item. The proposed stations are 350, 450 and 550 at offset of 15 ft. on both sides of the centerline. Additional tests may be done depending upon the existing conditions. It is anticipated that 2-3 days will be required to complete these tests.


  • PSPA: These will be done on the top of the base at offsets -22.5 ft, -7.5 ft, +7.5 ft., +22.5 ft. and at these stations: 340, 370, 400, 430, 460, 490, 530, 560, and 590. Additional or fewer tests may be done depending upon the existing conditions. It is anticipated that 1 day will be needed to perform these tests.


  • Distress Survey (Cracking): The cracking and joint location on the top of base will be painted using different color. The image of the base surface will be collected using NDT van to establish the cracking map. The results will be used to compare with the distress survey on the top of concrete pavement.


  • P-306 Compressive Strength: For P-306, 3 test cylinders with 4in diameter and 3 cylinders with 6in diameter cylinders from each of the test item on the south side (total of 18 cylinders) will be cored and tested for compressive strength and split tensile strength. It is anticipated that 2 days will be needed to perform these tests.


  • P-403 IDT: For P-403, 3 test cylinders from each of the test item on the north side (total of 9 cylinders with diameter 6in) will be cored to perform the IDT test. It is anticipated that 1 day will be needed to perform these tests. 


Proposed Test Matrix Tests

Test Standards Temperature Replicates Total Samples


ASTM7369 and AASHTO T 322









  • Plate Load Test: Total of 6 plate load tests will be done (one test in north and south side of each test item). The location of the test will be in the North Wheel Track (NWT) and South Wheel Track (SWT) in each test item. The proposed stations are 350, 450 and 550 at offset of 15 ft. on both sides of the centerline. It is anticipated that 2-3 days will be required to complete these tests.
  • Density Tests: Both sand-cones and nuclear density gauge will be used to measure the density on the top of P-154 at 10 ft. offsets from the centerline and at these stations: 340, 370, 430, 490, 530 and 590. Additional or fewer tests may be done depending upon the existing conditions. It is anticipated that 1-2 days will be needed to perform these tests.


  • LWD & D-PSPA: These will be done on the top of P-154 at offsets -22.5 ft, -7.5 ft, +7.5 ft., +22.5 ft. and at these stations: 340, 370, 400, 430, 460, 490, 530, 560, and 590. Additional or fewer tests may be done depending upon the existing conditions. It is anticipated that 1-2 days will be needed to perform these tests.


  • Resilient Modulus Tests: Samples will be collected and stored in containers so that resilient modulus using triaxial test and PUMA test on sub-base materials can be measured at a later date. The number of tests will be decided in consultation with the FAA.


SUBGRADE (DuPont Clay):


  • Plate Load Tests:  Total of 6 plate load tests will be done (one test in north and south side of each test item) on the top surface of the subgrade. The location of the test will be in the North Wheel Track (NWT) and South Wheel Track (SWT) in each test item. The proposed stations are 350, 450 and 550 at offset of 15 ft. on both sides of the centerline. It is anticipated that 2-3 days will be required to complete these tests.


  • CBR Tests: Total of 6 CBR’s will be done in the vicinity of the plate load tests. It is anticipated that 1-2 days will be required to complete these tests.


  • Density & Moisture: These will be done at the same locations as CBR tests and also at the same time as CBR tests are being done.


  • Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP): DCP tests will also be done on the top of the subgrade at the same locations as the CBR tests and also at the same time as CBR tests are being done.


  • Vane Shear Tests: These will be done at the same locations as the CBR tests and also at the same time as CBR tests are being done.


  • LWD and DPSPA Tests: These will be done on the top lift of the subgrade at offsets -22.5 ft, -7.5 ft, +7.5 ft., +22.5 ft. and at these stations: 340, 370, 400, 430, 460, 490, 530, 560, and 590. These will be also be done at the locations of CBR tests. Additional or fewer tests may be done depending upon the existing conditions. It is anticipated that 1-2 days will be required to complete these tests


  • Resilient Modulus Tests: Shelby Tubes will be taken from the top of the subgrade to perform resilient modulus tests and unconfined compressive strength tests. The number of Shelby tubes to be taken out and what locations will be decided in consultation with the FAA. It is anticipated that it will take 1 day to take these samples.


Resources: Qiang Li, Chris Budesa and Henry Fermin will be conducting most of the tests with the assistance of lab personnel: Jeff Stein, Monir Haggag, Matt Willson and Renee Norcross.


Time-Frame: 6-8 weeks will be required to complete all these tests. Demolition of different layes has been taken into account.