CC1 Painting Plan
Painting of the CC1 Test area was completed by the contractor using a water based paint material in accordance with the As-Built plan and typical line striping equipment to complete the task.
Painting of CC1 was performed from stations 0+00 to 9+00. Painting consisted of painting the centerline, transitions, and profile lines.
The items were painted as followed:
- Centerline was painted 12” wide and in yellow
- Transitions were painted 4” wide and in white
- Profile Lines were painted 3” wide and in blue
In support of the Airport Pavement Marking Evaluation for Reducing Runway Incursion project, Instrument Landing System/Microwave Landing System (ILS/MLS) holding markings were painted along CC1.
The goal of the project was to evaluate the widening of airport pavement markings for improved visibility for pilots and vehicular operators to reduce potential runway incursions and incidents. For more information on the project click here.

CC1 Painting Plan (Click to Zoom)
CC1 Painting Plan (Click to Zoom)

Runway Holding Position Marking (Click to Zoom)
Runway Holding Position Marking (Click to Zoom)
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