A. Gear Configuration
Below is the gear configuration for test items.
Two landing gear configurations were used for trafficking the test items; a 6-wheel landing gear and a 10-wheel landing gear. Figure below presents Test Area 1. A pavement centerline that divides the test items into north and south sections is shown. The Figure presents the wheels configurations of sections loaded with 10- and 6-wheel gears on different sides. The Figure also depicts wander zones for each group of wheels. The wander zone of the 10-wheel gear extends on both sides of the centerline in Test Area 1 configuration. In Test Area 2 configuration, however, the 10-wheel gear is contained on one side of the pavement centerline and wander zone stops 10 inches from the centerline as shown.
![](/portals/0/Images/CC5 Traffic Testing Gear 1.png?ver=01n4dv2ijqp70YAREGFRSg%3d%3d)
![](/portals/0/Images/CC5 Traffic Testing Gear 2.png?ver=7gMOHA60mhKEK8F03ktQQw%3d%3d)
C. Wander Pattern
![](/portals/0/Images/CC5 Test Items Wander Pattern 1.png?ver=p6I3D8jysvWgMyM6XwqxsA%3d%3d)
![](/portals/0/Images/CC5 Test Items Wander Pattern 2.png?ver=M7STyMTgtC9YqiJsKzksZg%3d%3d)
Figure XX Wander Pattern of Sample Sections Loaded with 10-Wheel Gear on North and 6-Wheel Gear on South.
![](/portals/0/Images/CC5 Test Items Wander Pattern 3.png?ver=rn6neGGDN0DpCLdO3t0QKw%3d%3d)
Figure XX. Wander Pattern of Sample Sections Loaded with 6-Wheel Gears on Both Sides.
![](/portals/0/Images/CC5 Test Items Wander Pattern Table.png?ver=UspWsr08bm_RWNOnc2LNOw%3d%3d)