CC2 Twin Slab Test Objective
Although a procedure had been developed to control curling in concrete pavements at the NAPTF, it was still of interest to continue to study the curling phenomenon. It was decided to place two additional concrete slabs, one within the NAPTF and one immediately outside. A comparison of the behavior of these slabs under their respective environmental conditions would further define those aspects of curling unique to the indoor environment experienced within the NAPTF.
The twin slabs experiment had two objectives:
1. Compare the behavior of the slab with no fly ash content to the behavior of the single slab with high fly ash content, in the indoor environment; and
2. Compare the behavior of the slab with no fly ash content in the indoor environment to the behavior of the similar slab in the outdoor environment.
Curling was of primary interest in both cases. The investigation was considered a parallel activity to the CC-2 rigid test item effort performed over the medium strength subgrade.