Custom Query

Custom SQL Query

Advanced users can query the CC5 database using Structured Query Language(SQL). Only read-only (Select) queries are allowed. In formulating SQL queries, refer to the Table Map and Table Details. Note that queries requesting a large amount of data may overload the system and will be rejected.

SQL Query Dynamic Data
Enter SQL statement:

Table Map

The database is organized into 11 tables for both dynamic data and static data as shown in the figure. Key fields in each table are unique identifiers and are indicated by a key symbol. Lines represent links between tables. (Table descriptions below) To view sample queries select the Sample Queries link.


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Table Descriptions

  • DynamicData - Contains dynamic sensor responses, including peak values and full dynamic records.
  • FWD - Contains falling-weight deflectometer (FWD) test data. FWD tests are conducted periodically on NAPTF test items to monitor changes in the pavement structural properties.
  • Gear - Contains information about the configured loads, including number of tires per carriage, applied tire loads (nominal), and tire spacing (dual and tandem)
  • ProfileContains measurements made by a straightedge, Rail to Rail Profiler or Leica scan.
  • SPU - Contains information about the dynamic sensors, including sensor type and location. (SPU refers to the 6 signal processing units, which acquire the dynamic sensor data.)
  • StaticData - Contains static sensor responses, including hourly temperature and moisture readings.
  • TestItem - Contains engineering data about the CC5 pavement test items (layer materials and thicknesses)
  • Track - Identifies the north and south carriage positions corresponding to the 9 wander tracks.
  • Traffic - Contains information about the vehicle passes, including start and end times for each load event, gear configuration, applied loads (actual), and wander position.
  • Wander - Lists the track numbers and carriage positions corresponding to each sequence number in the wander pattern.
  • TrafficTestItem - sets up relationship for Traffic and Test Item tables.