Subgrade (P-152MR) Construction
The construction of the subgrade started on June 19, 2018 and finished on June 29, 2018. Table 1 shows the breakdown for the construction activities. After the acceptance of P-152MR layer, field tests such as Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD), Portable Seismic Pavement Analyzer for Unbound Material (D-PSPA), and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) were conducted according to the RC Outdoor Material Characterization Plan. The results of the field tests are reported in Appendix F of RCOP-I Construction History Report.
Table 1. Timeline for Construction of P-152MR Layer

Subbase (P-154MR) Construction
Placement of P-154MR material commenced on July 2, 2018 and completed on July 26, 2018. Table 2 shows the breakdown for the construction activities. Once the P-154MR layer was accepted, field tests were then conducted on the top of P-154MR, which are documented in Appendix G of RCOP-I Construction History Report.
Table 2. Timeline for Construction of P-154MR Layer

• Holiday
* Weekend
Concrete (P-501MR) Paving
The P-501MR layer was placed on December 4, 2018 and 7 days later the formwork was removed on December 12, 2018. On the next day, concrete joints were saw cut and sealed per the Construction Plans. After 28 days of curing, field tests including the Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD) and Portable Seismic Pavement Analyzer (PSPA) were conducted on January 3, 2019. A summary of material characterization, field test results, and analysis can be found in Appendix I of RCOP-I Construction History Report.
Shoulder (P-209MR and P-403MR) Construction
On April 4, 2019, P-209MR base material was placed around the concrete slabs and 3 inches below the surface of P-501MR layer, which was compacted using a plate compactor. Once the P-209MR shoulder met the acceptance requirements, PG 64-22 P-403MR HMA was installed and compacted on the top of P-209MR shoulder. The Nuclear Gauge was then used to verify the compaction requirements. Results of both acceptance and laboratory testing the shoulder materials were reported in Appendix J of RCOP-I Construction History Report.
Surface HMA (P-401MR) Paving
Placement of surface PG 64-22 P-401MR HMA layer occurred on April 30, 2019. The surface layer was placed in a single lift at a compacted thickness of 3 inches in the 10 foot wide paving lane. Prior to paving, embedded sensors (on top of P-501MR) were covered with HMA materials. Compaction, using rollers, continued as needed until field densities met the P-401MR specification. After compaction, the edges of the P-401MR layer were saw cut on May 22, 2019 to create a smooth vertical surface. Loose HMA samples were also obtained from the asphalt plant to verify HMA mix design. The P-401MR mix verification was conducted at the asphalt plant (A.E. Stone) as well as in the NextGen Materials Testing Laboratory. Field core samples were extracted from the transition area for density acceptance testing, as summarized in Appendix L of RCOP-I Construction History Report.
For more information on the Daily Notes for a particular day, click on the link below.
Construction Daily Notes
Reflective Cracking Outdoor Phase 1 Construction Daily Notes June 2018
Reflective Cracking Outdoor Phase 1 Construction Daily Notes July 2018
Reflective Cracking Outdoor Phase 1 Construction Daily Notes September 2018
Reflective Cracking Outdoor Phase 1 Construction Daily Notes November 2018
Reflective Cracking Outdoor Phase 1 Construction Daily Notes January 2019
Reflective Cracking Outdoor Phase 1 Construction Daily Notes February 2019
Reflective Cracking Outdoor Phase 1 Construction Daily Notes March 2019
Reflective Cracking Outdoor Phase 1 Construction Daily Notes May 2019
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