Past Conferences & Events

Past Conferences and Events

  1. On May 11th, 2021, a four hour long “Airport Pavement Design Workshop FAARFIELD 2.0” was conducted by Airport Technology R&D branch’s staff; Mr. Jeffrey Gagnon, Dr. David Brill, and Dr. Navneet Garg. FAARFIELD 2.0 (FAA Rigid and Flexible Iterative Elastic Layered Design) was introduced in April 2021, and replaces FAARFIELD 1.42. FAARFIELD 2.0 is the FAA’s new standard for airport pavement thickness design and pavement strength evaluation, and is included in two recently released Advisory Circulars: AC 150/5320-6G, “Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation,” and revised AC 150/5335-5D, “Standardized Method of Reporting Airport Pavement Strength – PCR.”, which is still under review. This FAA software workshop was intended for airport operators, consultants, academics and others with a practical interest in airport pavement design. Participants in the workshop were taught the principles of pavement design and pavement analysis using FAARFIELD 2.0, experienced hands-on demonstrations of the FAARFIELD software, with examples, and received an introduction to the ICAO ACR-PCR system and learned how FAARFIELD 2.0 supports PCR reporting. The workshop was attended by 309 attendees from 32 countries.
  2. The 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics was held from May 24-27, 2021. As part of pre-conference activities, Workshop on Airfield Pavement Design and Rehabilitation was conducted jointly by FAA ATRD and US Army Corp of Engineer’s Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC). Dr. David Brill and Dr. Navneet Garg taught the principles of flexible and rigid pavement design and pavement analysis using FAARFIELD 2.0.
  3. Dr. Navneet Garg gave a Special Keynote Lecture “Characterization of Geo-Materials for Airport Pavements – Current State of the Art & Future Outlook” at the 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics. Conference was initially scheduled for September 2020 in Chicago, IL, but had to be postponed due to pandemic and was held virtually from May 24-27, 2021. Dr. Garg also moderated/chaired session titled “Mechanistic Analysis & Design – 3". ASCE T&DI Pavement Specialty Conference was held during June 8-10, 2021. Mr. Jeffrey Gagnon made a presentation title “Airfield Pavements Research at the Federal Aviation Administration’s National Airport Pavement Test Facility” during a panel session on Recent Advancements at Major Global Pavement Centers. Dr. Navneet Garg made a presentation titled “Airport Pavement Design – What Important Piece of the Puzzle Are We Missing?”. Mr. Gagnon chaired/moderated three sessions during the conference.